"Pathway, Transitions and Bridges to Tertiary Education"

Aranui Services Academy

Host Institution
Aranui High School

Partner Institutions
In association with the New Zealand Defence Force
Funded by Ministry of Education

Qualifications Awarded
Credits contributing to NCEA levels 1 and 2

General Programme Description
This full time academy is supported by both the Ministry of Education and the New Zealand Defence Force. The programme is targeted at year 11 and 12 students, both boys and girls, who are having difficulty staying motivated at school.

Students have their own uniform (provided free) and operate as a distinct group within the school. The Academy is predominantly a one year full time programme; however selected students participate in a subsequent year within the academy, upon application, as team leaders. As students graduate from the academy they will then be ready for further schooling, training or employment.

The academy offers a solid base for those young people considering a possible future career in the Armed Forces or other like agencies. Additionally, for those students who find mainstream school challenging, NCEA credits are available in range of subjects from English, Maths, Food and Nutrition, Physical Education and Outdoor Recreation. These are delivered in a manner that students find challenging and stimulating.

Included in the programme, along with the educational outcomes, is a strong focus on offering students' self-discipline and maturity, gaining citizenship skills and developing a sense of community and self. The highlight of the year for the academy is the annual Coast-to-Coast competition run for all South Island Service Academies. This is a gruelling event for young men and women of this age to be competing in.

The academy director is Staff Steven Bishop, an ex regular force army training instructor. He has over 22 year’s military experience that he keenly passes on to the students.

Further Information / Contact
Gary Porteous,
Academies Director,
Aranui High School
email pg@aranui-high.school.nz
www.aranui-high.school.nz or www.AranuiAcademies.com