"Pathway, Transitions and Bridges to Tertiary Education"

Otahuhu College Services Academy

Name of Academy

Otahuhu College Service Academy

Host Institution / Organisation / Lead Provider

Otahuhu College

Partner Institutions

Ministry of Education
NZ Army

Qualifications Awarded

NCEA credit at level 1 and 2 with a focus on gaining literacy and numeracy credits for Level 1 NCEA.

General Programme Description (up to 300 words)

The Otahuhu College Service Academy was set up to offer a meaningful course for year 12 and 13 students who did not have any qualifications. The emphasis is on gaining at least level one numeracy and literacy.

The curriculum for these students is English, Maths, one or two options and the rest of the time spent with the Service Academy Director. The time with him is spent on fitness and military service activities such as team building exercises. In addition the group has two live in courses with the Army. These occupy up to 20 days.

Further Information / Contact

Contact: Nick Cowling - Academy Director
Email: ncowling@otahuhucollege.school.nz