"Pathway, Transitions and Bridges to Tertiary Education"

CSMP Dictionary

Frequently used terms:

  • EFTS

    The Tertiary Education Commission decides if a course is either full-time or part0time by applying Equivalent Full Time Student (EFTS) values to each course. The EFTS value is a measure of the amount of study or workload involved in undertaking a particular course.
  • MOE

    MOE is an acronym for Ministry of Education; the New Zealand Government’s lead advisor on the education system, which shapes direction for sector agencies and providers.
  • Multiple Pathways

    Multiple Pathways blurs the lines between secondary and postsecondary education, training and the workplace. Learning is often thematic and project-based combined with workplace experience. Individual and flexible learning pathways are created for each student in an area of interest to them.
  • NCEA

    New Zealand’s National Certificate of Education Achievement (NCEA) are national qualifications for senior secondary school students. They are administered by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA)
  • NZQA

    The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) is responsible for managing the NZ Qualifications Framework, administering the secondary school system, qualifications recognition and standard setting for some specific units and independent quality assurance of non-university education providers.
  • Physical disengagement

    Physical disengagement is where students are not at school at all. This can be a steady permanent state (they never come) or an intermittent state (as in persistent truancy).
  • School of Secondary-Tertiary Studies

    The School of Secondary-Tertiary Studies is a unique kind of school for New Zealand. It is a blend between a secondary schools and a tertiary institution like Manukau Institute of Technology. Students can study towards qualifications equivalent to NCEA, just like they would at secondary school and also make a start towards tertiary qualifications for trades and careers.
  • Secondary School

    Secondary school in the NZ based education system follows primary. It is equivalent to High School level in the US of A.
  • Services Academies

    Services Academies encourage students to stay engaged in learning by providing a motivating and disciplined programme that is delivered in partnership with Uniformed Services e.g. New Zealand Defence Force, Police etc. It is an initiative supported by the Ministry of Education.
  • TEC

    The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) is responsible for managing the Government’s funding for tertiary education. They also provide police advice and implementation across the sector. All forms of post-secondary school education and training fall under their umbrella.
  • Trades Academies

    Trades Academies aim to get young New Zealanders engaged in education, and equip tomorrow’s workforce with relevant skills by linking with the wider industry training system. It is an initiative supported by the Ministry of Education.
  • Unintended disengagement

    Unintended disengagement occurs at the post-secondary level. The students had done all that they believe they need to do, have attained minimum entry standards and have engaged with a course at post-secondary level. But a series of factors (wrong course decision, inadequate preparation for that course, unable to be socialised into the institution and so on) leads to disengagement. This requires a response within the post-secondary institution.
  • Virtual disengagement

    Virtual disengagement sees students attending school but their disengagement incrementally increases to a point where there is little learning being achieved and they face leaving school with little or no qualifications.
  • Youth Guarantee

    The purpose of the Youth Guarantee initiative is to improve the educational achievements of targeted 16 and 17 year olds by providing them with an opportunity to participate in a range of vocational courses free of charge. It is an initiative supported by the Tertiary Education Commission.